
Window 7 Tablet, OCS9, broke through. Just $610.

Korean manufacturer O-COSMOS rolls out brand new Windows 7 tablet computer, OCS9, at $610, but in pre-order providing system for B2B market. But O-COSMOS committed general consumers are able to purchase this OCS9 in pre-ordering & manufacturing system.

Featured Spec.

CPU : Intel Oak-trail
O/S : Windows 7 Home premium
Display : 1024 x 800, 10.1 inches, 170-degree wide sight angle
32/64G SSD
microSD slot up to 64GB
Wifi b/g/n, Bluetooth connectivity
Camera : Front 1.3M, Rear 3M
Built-in GPS, Gyroscope, Accelerometer sensor, Mic.
HDMI, 2 USB, FM transmitter
Dedicated docking station (Exclude)


U.S. judge rejects Apple bid to halt Galaxy Tab sales

In a ruling released late on Friday, U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose, California denied Apple's request for a preliminary injunction against Samsung.

Korean style Acronym in IT

Handphone : Cellphone
Pee LCD : Yellowy background LCD in iPhone4S
Galtap : Samsung Galaxy Tab
Galnote : Samsung Galaxy Note
Katalk : Kakao Talk Messenger
appl : Application, Apps
busphone : Cheapest cellphone like as bus token
hotspot : tethering
Fabook (Febook) : Facebook
Fafok : Firefox
Refur : refurbished device
Ex (iks) : Explorer
Cafe : Internet community for same interest group

(To be Continued...)

Smart phone Ranking Top 10 in Korea

At 4th week of November (11/21 ~11/27)

2: Samsung Galaxy S-II HD (4G)
3: Apple iPhone4 32G (3G)
4: Motorola RAZA (3G)
5: Pentech Vega LTE (4G)
6: HTC EVO 4G Plus
7: KT Tech : TACHY
8: Samsung Galaxy S-II
10: Samsung Galaxy NEXUS

Ranking #1 LTE Phone in Korea - LG Optimus LTE

LG Optimus LTE, LG-SU640 (SKT version)

Display : 1280 * 720 / 4.5"
Camera : 800M pixel, Auto Focus
Bluetooth 3.0
Price : $850

Featured User's review & Comments

- Please align screen at the center of phone like Optimus black model.
- Fantastic display resolution and effort for apps compatibility caused by display resolution.
- The best display quality and the fasted speed for software upgrading.
- The best smart phone except for little bit poor battery lifetime.
- Terrible battery lifetime, looks shorter than 2-year-old iPhone.
- It's doubt that LG is going to offer Icecream-Sandwich for this LTE phone.
- Cool display resolution for HD class video playback. Sharp & Clean. It makes us to aviod
poor quality video on this.
- LG LTE beats Samsung.

real-time, Online iPad simulator

Anybody has more cool one? Please comment and thanks in advance.

"I think that invalidates the ’889 . . ."

by U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh.

Quo Vadis? At the top of needle, Apple vs Samsung

1994 Knight-Ridder’’ tablet prototype

Your personal Cloud Server

"B drive" makes your personal PC to your own private cloud server. When you install B-drive client application on your smart device, your smart devices are able to connect with your own cloud server and allow to download everything and streaming any media files from your PC in real-time. It supports either Windows and Mac for server, iPhone and Android for client. Get in touch to www.bdrive.com


Funny guessing iPhone5

What if iPhone5 = Likes*2 - Dislikes*0.8

1/3 business card footprint SSD

1/3 business card physical footprint, PM830 mSATA SSD by Samsung Electronics

Physical dimension : 50.95 x 30 x 3.8 mm
Weight : 8g
Interface : SATA3 (6Gbps)

Surprise!! still alive iRiver

Brand new iRiver B-100 multimedia player, $140 with 4G, $170 with 8G.
It has 320 x 480 AFFS LCD display and supports 720 x 480 video file.

I don't make sense on why iRiver insists to be this idiot.
I wonder iRiver believes this B-100 would be more worthy than iPod touch...