
Comparison of Apps usage behavior :: Korean vs Norwegian

Due to my private curiosity about my previous post of Apps crazed countries by Google, I research some characteristics between Korea (The 1st place) and Norway (The last place). Please refer to my previous post at http://savememory.blogspot.com/2011/12/most-app-crazed-country-korea.html
All data collected from http://www.ourmobileplanet.com

Let's getting start.

This first chart says the purchased numbers of apps per smartphone holder. Dramatically it has totally overturned order between Korea and Norway. Before we think why this happen, I need to research how many Apps are there with native language or made by who in the Android market. BTW, below chart is the reality if Google was not a liar.

Next, what do they do with their smart device and/or computer? What do they occupy? Mostly the consuming patterns looks very similar each other except for "Watching TV" and "Listening the Music". Actually the portion of "Watching TV" was unexpected shape in my view because very large number of viewer of  terrestrial TV, internet TV and DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, a sort of DVB-T in Europe) are found easily in anywhere, even in subway in Korea.

Next, if they spend their time on video, where do they occupy this video? On smartphone or Desktop? Interestingly there was quite difference on this. We find that Korean enjoy video data at any of terminals regardless mobile handset or Desktop. I can assume why or how this happen in Korea, but I don't mention about it now.

For social network, this chart means Korean connects to their network at any place.

[Relevant Post] http://savememory.blogspot.com/2011/12/most-app-crazed-country-korea.html

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